September 11, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Blue Ash Recreation Center
4433 Cooper Road Blue Ash
OH 45242
Gina Kern

Event: Celebration of LADD Community Picnic

Time: Monday, September 11, 2023 from 4:00 – 6:30 PM

Location: Blue Ash Rec Center Nature Park, 4433 Cooper Road, Shelter 3 (also known as the Blue Ash Shelter)

All are invited to attend!  You do not need to RSVP but feel free to accept the calendar invitation so that it gets added to your events. The LADD office will close at 4:00 PM this day for the picnic.

Parking: See purple line on the attached map. Copy of the map is also attached for easy printing, in case needed.

Option 1: Use the Blue Ash Nature Park entrance off Cooper Road between the Blue Ash Presbyterian Church and Blue Ash Police Department. This is the shortest path distance wise, but has a gravel section and some uphill which could be difficult for mobility needs.

Option 2: Enter park by the Blue Ash Rec. Center parking lot.  Drive all the way to the back of the recreation center lot and there is a park entrance on the far right.  This is a longer path but is completely flat and paved.

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please go to: https://laddinc.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/LADDShareDrive/EU0oFxAWGrFLjV0MHRys5fEB2bVm-d-nxK3nHhkYRli_CA to sign up.