Now, more than ever, our LADD family needs to know they have a community rallying around them. And we need you to be part of that community.
How to help:
1. Donate to a LADD Brighter Days Box and our frontline employees while supporting local businesses at the same time. We commit to purchasing gift cards and items for Brighter Days Boxes from local businesses whenever possible
2. Have gift cards or gently used items you would like to donate instead? Drop off gift cards or gently used gardening supplies, puzzles, games, books with a lot of pictures, DVDs and crafting supplies to LADD’s offices at 3603 Victory Parkway.
3. Post photos of your donations and challenge your friends to do the same!
4. Donate to LADD’s general fund – help us cover COVID-19 costs that weren’t included in our operating budget.
For more information, contact Molly Lyons (513-487-3938) or sign-up below