7 Questions With



How long have you been opening your home to adults with developmental disabilities or living with someone with a developmental disability?

30 Years.

What advice do you wish you received when you first started providing services?

I have been providing services for so long I don’t think I can respond to this question.

What is the hardest part about the work you do?

Client’s inability to communicate.

What is the best part about the work you do?

Helping client to grow and develop skills for independence.

What is a dream that you have for yourself?

To find someone to take over for me that I can trust and that will learn to support T. with respect for his autonomy.

What is the dream you have for the person(s) you are supporting?

To communicate more effectively with me and with others.

Who do you consider a hero and why?

Harriet Tubman. I admire people who are courageous. Harriet Tubman’s courage set people free from the horror of slavery at the risk of her life, time and time again.