My home has been open for 5 years, 22 years as an Intervention Specialist, and champion for people with intellectual disabilities for as long as I can remember.
I’m switching it up a bit. The advice I would give someone just starting out is… it’s a journey… ”things” aren’t solved overnight and if you are looking you will find some wonderful people along the way!
Probably remembering the importance of and making opportunities for self-care.
I feel like I can be their hero, taking care of them, me allowing them to be themselves, expressing themselves the way they feel without taking it personal. Changing someone’s life enough to where they’re stable and they see the change.
Retire beachside.
A dream I have for the person(s) I support and really all people with intellectual and or physical disabilities is that they can go anywhere and everywhere and be treated with dignity and kindness.
My heroes are everyday people. Those that show up, those that try their best, those who want to learn and try new things. Those with open hearts and minds and most of all those people who try to leave “something” better than they found it!
For more information, contact Molly Lyons (513-487-3938) or sign-up below