Passion Meet Practicality a Chat with Kush Kotecha, LADD’s Board President

July 27, 2022

LADD is a force. A force guided by the belief that every person has ability and value. A force that empowers adults with developmental disabilities to live, to work, and to connect. For their Board of Directors, LADD looks for leaders who match their passion for the mission, who have the foresight to envision a better future, and who have the tenacity and will to do the hard work of helping make that vision a reality.
They found just that sort of leader in Kush Kotecha.
Kush is the Vice President and Head of U.S. Business Strategy & Initiatives at Prudential Financial. He was named to the LADD Board of Directors in April 2016. Since 2016, Kush has since served in various Board capacities until June 2021, when he was named Board President.
Throughout his tenure on the board, Kush has been impressed with how LADD works alongside the disability community to propel the inclusion and success of people with disabilities. Two highlights through his tenure include the Over-the-Rhine International Film Festival and the Smart Living Program. From the onset of his board tenure, Kush has been amazed by the passion and dedication of all the people at LADD. “They are phenomenal – marching to achieve the mission and delivering it every day.”
Kush’s technical skills combined with his humility, his focus on people, and his sheer will, bring an expertise that drives LADD to continually think bigger, grow stronger, and build toward the future.
As Board President, Kush is focused on bringing the LADD long-term strategic plan to fruition. “We just set our three-year strategy late last year. My eyes get wide when I think about the impact we can have. A big part of the long-term plan is the continued development of the Smart Living program. This program includes pioneering technology that can help people with disabilities live fuller, more self-sufficient lives. I believe that with the ecosystem that LADD is creating, not only can we serve more people in our region more effectively, but we can also have a national or even global impact.”
Kush understands that the unmet need is great. Today, there is an estimated 80,000 people in Ohio who have disabilities, and the amount of people being serviced by the current infrastructure (any agency, charity, or foundation) is half that number. “Many people in the state who need help can’t get it. If we can create technology and an ecosystem that can provide services and care to more people, and do it in a very cost-effective way, and not sacrifice value – that is win-win to me.”
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