
A group of people, including individuals with developmental disabilities, are gathered in a bright and welcoming community space. They are smiling and interacting, showcasing a sense of camaraderie and inclusion.

History Made During Disability Pride Month

On Monday, July 1, committee member Kristen Saul joined fellow representatives of individuals with disabilities, Cincinnati elected officials and administrators, representatives of regional social service agencies and a large crowd gathered at the steps of city hall for the first official Disability Pride flag-raising ceremony in the city as part of Disability Pride Cincy.


Cincinnati and Hamilton County are set to join the national celebration of Disability Pride Month with local events and activities throughout July. The initiative, Disability Pride Cincy, marks a continued effort in the region to recognize and promote the rights of individuals with disabilities, building on the legacy of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed on July 26, 1990.

Meet Amy Krieg

Meet Amy Krieg, the winner of January 2024’s Leading the LADD Way Award. Individuals who work with Amy and those she serves selected Amy for the award for exemplifying the LADD Way fundamental, “Never Compromise on Wellness.”

Tom Neidhard: Bold, Fierce & Independent

There’s no one quite like Tom Neidhard. When you first meet him, you’re struck by the unique way he holds his shoulders, the rhythm of his speaking voice, and his signature day glow yellow knee socks (his favorite color). He’s fiercely independent and inquisitive and makes sure he learns your name and repeats it to you several times to ensure he gets it right.

Don Cameron, Mayor of His Lane

In 2023, Don Cameron moved into a new Smart Home in LADD’s Anderson Cluster, where he lives independently. He is always outside enjoying his porch or talking with his friends and neighbors on Immaculate Lane.

P.S. By Mark With a Purpose

A perfect day for Mark Whited is when he is giving back. We all need purpose and connection in life, and for Mark, who is unable to speak, helping people by running errands is his passion.