The 2021 Taking Flight Awards had a number of unbelievable awe inspiring moments, stories of both achievement and triumph. One of those stories shared was that of Patrick Cost, the recipient of the ‘Above & Beyond Award’. Patrick was nominated for this honor by Christine Scheadler whose brother, Michael Weber, has worked with Patrick over the last several years at LADD.
“Patrick does many things for Michael. He’s just been a blessing for us… helped my brother achieve so many dreams. He’s just been a wonderful person in Michael’s life.” Shared Christine. “Knowing that my mom, before she passed, met Patrick and knew how much Patrick cares for my brother gives me comfort.”
The Above & Beyond Award recognizes an individual who works at LADD that has demonstrated exceptional job performance and works tirelessly to further our organization’s mission to empower adults living with developmental disabilities to live, work, and connect in dignity.
“Patrick is going to try for more to see what else he can get out of each day for the individual he serves.” Says Faith Maynard, LADD’s CSL Program Coordinator. “It’s really easy for parents and individuals that we serve to fall in love with Patrick, because he brings meaningful engagement. He is in the moment, he’s in the here and now.”
Watch Patrick’s tribute video below!
Patrick is someone who advocates for the independence of the people he supports,, makes an effort to understand them and their needs, and works with the people he serves to create opportunities for meaningful engagement whether that is through facilitating the Independent Resident Council (IRC) or through working with someone to take a once in a lifetime trip to Japan… Patrick has made genuine connections with the people he serves, creating friendships that would last a lifetime – even beyond LADD.
“Patrick embodies the name of this award.” Said Susan Brownknight, LADD’s Chief Executive Officer. “I think for Patrick this comes naturally. I’m not sure he realizes how special he is, but we do.”
“I’m far better at caring and being there for people than paperwork.” Says Patrick. “I just go to work like everybody else, but I help people. I don’t think it’s all that hard, if you pay attention and give people a little bit.”