A Summer Of Growth: Cultivating Health And Wellness Through Gardening A healthy hobby to combat these stressful times is taking root at LADD. TweetPinShare0 Shares August 25, 2020
The Ada And Me A reflection by Jason Harris, longtime friend of LADD, disability rights activist and founder of Jason’s Connection. TweetPinShare0 Shares July 22, 2020
Disability Pride: What It Means To The Ladd Community As many celebrate Disability Pride this month, members of the LADD community share what they’re proud of. TweetPinShare0 Shares July 22, 2020
45 YEARS OF REMARKABLE RESILIENCE Overcoming obstacles is part of LADD’s DNA TweetPinShare0 Shares July 1, 2020
Forever, Home – The future of community living for people with disabilities. Forging ahead with a new model. TweetPinShare0 Shares July 1, 2020
The Future Of Community Living For People With Disabilities Using cutting-edge technology to support adults with developmental disabilities and provide a new model of community living. TweetPinShare0 Shares June 29, 2020
Ladd Families Reunite And Reconnect Even with face masks and social distancing, people supported by LADD and their families are feeling a small sense of relief as they reunite in person. TweetPinShare0 Shares June 26, 2020